How To Remove Stretch Marks Fast? Powerful Remedies and Treatments

how to remove stretch marks fast

Nobody wants stretch marks, but unfortunately, they are common for both men and women. Pregnancy, weight gain, and even puberty can cause them. If you’re looking for a way to get rid of your stretch marks fast, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will discuss why stretch marks are […]

The Difference between Botox and Dysport


If you’re considering getting Botox or Dysport to help with wrinkles or fine lines, you may be wondering what the difference is between the two. Both are injectable treatments that can help smooth out your skin, but there are some key differences to keep in mind. Here’s everything you need to know about Botox vs. […]

What are Pockmarks? Causes, Treatment, Prevention Tips


Pockmarks can be unsightly and embarrassing skin conditions and many people want to know how to get rid of them. There are several methods available for pockmark treatment, but not all of them are effective. In this article, we will explore the different methods of pockmark treatment and discuss which ones work best. What are […]

How to get rid of ice pick scars?

ice pick scars on woman face skin

Ice pick scars are one of the most difficult types of scars to remove. They are typically small, but very deep and can be quite noticeable. If you are looking for a way to get rid of ice pick scars, there are a few treatment options available. This article will discuss the most common treatments […]

How To Get Rid of Milia

How To Get Rid of Milia

It appears that some small white lumps have appeared on your cheekbones and under your eyes, as revealed by your reflection. Milia is a type of skin growth that can be found in people of all ages and can be quite unsightly. When keratin becomes trapped beneath the skin’s outer layer, a small cyst is […]

How to Treat Your Face Before and After a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove damaged skin cells, correct scars, treat wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of discolorations. Different types of chemical peels have varyingranges of penetration into the skin.  No matter what kind you get, it is important to properly prepare […]

What Causes Forehead Acne and Crucial Things to Know

woman with forehead acne

Pimples may form on any part of your body, but certain locations are more acne-prone than others. They keep reappearing no matter how hard you try, and it may be a real pain to get rid of them. The forehead is one example of this. Because of its prominent placement on the face, acne on […]

How to Remove Spider Veins Safely and Effectively

Remove Spider Veins Safely and Effectively

Varicose veins and spider veins can impact more than just your physical appearance. These veins can be quite painful. If you have them, you may be at risk for complications like open sores or blood clots on your legs. The internet is awash in advice on getting rid of spider veins, so you’ve probably already […]

How to Get Rid of Fordyce Spots? Treatments, Prevention, Diagnosis, and More

Fordyce spots

Lips are supposed to enhance a beautiful smile and general attractiveness. Lips do actually reflect a person’s health. Bright lips suggest excellent health, whereas dull lips distract from a lovely face and its allure. Sick lips might signal underlying medical issues that require immediate medical attention. In this post, we look into Fordyce Spots which […]

What’s the Best Treatment for Rosacea?

Best Treatment for Rosacea

Rosacea is a widespread skin condition that affects around 16 million Americans. Yet, the vast majority of them are unaware that they suffer from this ailment. Those with pale complexion (particularly those of Celtic descent) between the ages of 30 and 60 are most at risk. Moreover, symptoms can be more severe in men. Rosacea […]

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TEAM Dermatology advises you of the departure of Dr. Kuda Maloney from our Memorial and Sugar Land locations in November of  2023.  Dr. Maloney will be pursuing interests outside of private practice and we wish her the best in achievement of her future endeavors. Please contact our office to arrange for your care with another provider in our offices.