Skin Rejuvenation
Healthier and Radiant Looking Skin
Skin Tightening
Loose or sagging skin is something that no one wants to deal with. Luckily, advanced laser technology makes it easy to tighten and contour troubled areas. Laser Skin Tightening is a non-invasive procedure that uses ultrasound or radio-frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural renewal of collagen. Often performed on the face, under eyes, neck, arms, abdomen, legs, or buttocks, this minimally invasive procedure provides natural-looking results without a long or painful recovery period.
Our micro-needling and skin tightening treatment is a non surgical procedure that uses radio-frequency to stimulate the body’s natural renewal of collagen. This minimally invasive procedure provides natural-looking results without a long or painful recovery period.

Genius RF Microneedling
Candela Core CO2 Laser

Lumenis M22 - IPL, QSwich, Resurfx

Eclipse EvoPen Microneedling
Laser Resurfacing Therapy
Ablative Laser Resurfacing Therapy uses contemporary laser technology to reduce the appearance of sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, brown spots, and other signs of ageing. During your procedure, a precise laser is used to eradicate damaged skin cells on the surface of the face, neck, chest, and hands. Eliminating these cells also promotes the growth of healthy tissue, which results in softer, smoother, brighter skin after just a single treatment.

Laser Treatments
Our Board Certified Dermatologists also use advanced laser technology to perform a number of aesthetic treatments. Scar treatments are also available at Team Dermatology for your convenience. Contact us to learn more about how lasers can be used to improve skin’s appearance.
- Phone: (832) 572-5533
- Fax: 832-975-0336
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (832) 572-5533
- Fax: 281-800-1350
- Email: [email protected]