How To Remove Stretch Marks Fast? Powerful Remedies and Treatments

Nobody wants stretch marks, but unfortunately, they are common for both men and women. Pregnancy, weight gain, and even puberty can cause them. If you’re looking for a way to get rid of your stretch marks fast, you have come to the right place.

In this blog post, we will discuss why stretch marks are red, how long they take to fade, and how to prevent them. We will also provide some tips on how to lighten stretch marks quickly if you can surgically remove them, where to find a dermatologist in Houston, and so much more.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are markings or a type of scar that can occur on the skin when it is stretched too thin. Collagen and elastin, which strengthen our skin, tear as a result of the sudden change. Stretch marks could develop while the skin recovers.

They often appear as red or purple lines, and over time they may fade to a light brown or white color. Stretch marks can occur anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found on the stomach, thighs, hips, and breasts.

Who gets stretch marks?

Most people get stretch marks at some point in their lives. They can occur during puberty, pregnancy, or weight gain. However, they can also occur in people who are not overweight or pregnant. Anyone can get stretch marks, regardless of age or gender.

What are the symptoms of stretch marks

What are the symptoms of stretch marks?

There are various types of stretch marks. They differ based on your skin type, where they are on your body, how long you’ve had them, and what caused them.

Typical variations include:

  • Red, pink, blue, purple, or black lines on the skin
  • Fading to light brown or white over time
  • Occur anywhere on the body
  • Streaks covering large areas of the body
  • Most commonly found on the stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks, and breasts

What causes stretch marks

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are caused by the skin stretching too thin. This can happen during puberty, pregnancy, weight gain, etc. Multiple factors, including an individual’s genetics and the level of skin stress, determine its severity.

Rapid weight gain or loss

Stretch marks can be caused by rapid weight gain or loss. When the skin is stretched too thin, collagen and elastin can tear or rupture, causing stretch marks to form. This often happens when someone rapidly gains or loses weight.


Pregnancy is a common cause of stretch marks. The skin stretches thin and tears as the baby grows, which can cause stretch marks to form. Stretch marks often appear on the stomach, thighs, hips, and breasts. They can also occur on the arms and legs.

Growth spurts during adolescence

Stretch marks can be caused by growth spurts during adolescence. This often happens when someone experiences a growth spurt during their teenage years. As the body grows, the skin is forced to stretch and thin, which can lead to the development of stretch marks.

Rapid muscle growth associated with bodybuilding

Stretch marks can be caused by rapid muscle growth. When the body grows rapidly, the skin is forced to stretch and thin, which can lead to the development of stretch marks. This often happens when someone is bodybuilding and experiences a rapid increase in muscle mass.

Medical conditions

There are various medical conditions that can cause stretch marks.

These conditions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cushing’s Syndrome – This is a medical condition that can cause stretch marks. It is caused by an overproduction of the hormone cortisol, which can cause the skin to stretch thin and tear, often leading to the development of stretch marks.
  • Marfan Syndrome – This is a genetic disorder that can cause stretch marks. It affects the body’s connective tissue, which can lead to the development of stretch marks.
  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – This is a genetic disorder that can cause stretch marks. It affects the body’s connective tissue, which can lead to the development of stretch marks.

Where do stretch marks appear most often?

Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, but they mostly occur on the:

  • Stomach or Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Breasts

What treatments can help treat stretch marks

What treatments can help treat stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a common problem that many people face. While they often fade over time, there are treatments available that can help to speed up the process and achieve desired results.

These treatments include:

Laser therapy

The process of laser stretch mark removal involves using laser resurfacing to remove striae aka stretch marks. It functions by removing the topmost layer of skin to help in restructuring the skin beneath.

Light beams are concentratedly used during the treatment to promote new growth. Laser removal might make striae smoother, which would lessen the look of stretch marks even though it can’t totally get rid of them.

Chemical peel

A chemical peel is a treatment that can help to fade stretch marks. During a chemical peel, a special chemical is applied to the skin to help remove the top layer. This can help to promote new growth and make stretch marks less noticeable.

Chemical peels are a simple method for removing the top layer of dry skin cells from the body and promoting the formation of new cells. The end result is smoother skin with less discoloration and scarring.


Microdermabrasion is a treatment that can help to fade stretch marks. This treatment involves using tiny crystals to remove the top layer of skin. It is a painless method to lessen the visibility of white stretch marks.

This method tightens the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers by focusing on the epidermis, the top layer of skin. Like chemical peels, microdermabrasion can also help to promote new growth and make stretch marks less noticeable.


The middle layers of the skin, the dermis, where stretch marks develop, are the focus of microneedling. In order to stimulate collagen formation, small needles are inserted into the skin during this process. Stretch marks can be lessened and the skin’s appearance can be improved by increased collagen and elastin.

One must have several treatments over the course of several months in order to effectively treat stretch marks. Stretch mark reduction with microneedling has been demonstrated to be particularly successful for patients with darker skin types.

Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a possibility if other therapies don’t work. White stretch marks on the body can be permanently removed using this costly but effective option. It’s critical to understand though, that surgery itself can create scars.

Stretch marks can be removed from the abdomen with a cosmetic treatment called a tummy tuck, sometimes referred to as an abdominoplasty. The skin and abdomen appear flatter and firmer after this surgery.

A surgical procedure does, however, carry a variety of health hazards. It is important to talk to a doctor about any alternatives before undergoing this treatment. Contact Team Dermatology for expert advice on removing stretch marks.

What are natural remedies to treat stretch marks

What are natural remedies to treat stretch marks?

While there is no definitive cure for stretch marks, there are a number of things or home remedies one can do to minimize their appearance. Some easy-to-find ingredients one can try include:

Vitamin A

Stretch marks can be removed, and the skin can appear more youthful using retinoids. Retinol, a form of vitamin A, is frequently found in creams and lotions for skin care because it helps repair skin cells and makes skin smoother and younger-looking. Stretch marks can be removed and the skin can become firmer with the help of vitamin A intake or use.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a potent moisturizer and skin-healing agent. It is frequently used in serums, creams, and lotions.

Stretch marks cause changes to your skin that aren’t immediately noticeable. Skin becomes less elastic as a result of these changes, in particular, because collagen isn’t strengthening the skin as expected. Additionally, hyaluronic acid could affect skin elasticity.


A common plant used in Korean beauty (K-beauty) products is Centella Asiatica. Centella supports collagen formation and inflammation reduction.

Products containing Centella, also referred to as cica creams, are occasionally used to cure scars or to soothe and restore sensitive skin. In the US, cica creams are becoming more and more popular, but they can be expensive.


Microdermabrasion is one of the most efficient and dermatologist-approved ways to lighten stretch marks, and a great component for homeopathic microdermabrasion is sugar. Because of this, anyone can use a DIY sugar scrub to get rid of the uncomfortable stretch marks at home. Exfoliating the affected regions with a sugar-based natural scrub will help control the blood flow and promote skin healing.

Coconut oil

There are some proven advantages of virgin coconut oil for the skin. It may help in maintaining the barrier defenses of the skin. According to research, coconut oil helped various skin infections, and dry skin accelerated the healing of skin wounds in a 2010 study on rats.

Aloe vera

The use of aloe vera as a natural skin remedy has been proven and tested. To calm and hydrate skin, a direct application of the aloe vera plant’s internal jelly is recommended.

Aloe vera promotes the skin’s ability to recover from burns and wounds. Since stretch marks are a type of scarring caused by damaged skin, aloe’s skin-repairing abilities might aid in preventing or fading them.

How much does stretch mark removal cost?

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) estimates that the cost of these skin resurfacing procedures, such as stretch marks removal, range from $500 to $8,900

Does cocoa butter get rid of stretch marks?

There is mixed evidence about the ability of cocoa butter to remove stretch marks. Some people find that it helps, while others do not. It may be worth trying if other methods have not been successful.

How long does it take for stretch marks to fade?

Most people find that stretch marks fade over time, but there is no set timeline for this. Some people find that they disappear completely, while others find that they are still visible, although faded.

When should I see a doctor about my stretch marks?

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your stretch marks, or if they are causing pain or discomfort, it is recommended to see a doctor. They can help determine the cause of the stretch marks and recommend the appropriate treatment. You should book an appointment with the best dermatology clinic in Houston.

Tips on how to prevent stretch marks - Team Dermatology

Tips on how to prevent stretch marks

Stretch marks are a common problem for many people, especially women. They can be unsightly and cause a lot of discomforts. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from forming in the first place. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for keeping the skin healthy and elastic. When the skin is well-hydrated, it is able to stretch and snap back into place when it is stretched. This prevents the development of stretch marks.

Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet is important for overall health, and it also helps to prevent stretch marks. A balanced diet provides the nutrients the body needs to stay healthy and elastic. This prevents the skin from becoming too stretched and prevents the development of stretch marks.

Avoid rapid weight gain or loss

Staying within a healthy weight range is important for preventing stretch marks. When the body experiences rapid weight gain or loss, the skin stretches too much and can tear, leading to the development of stretch marks. By maintaining a healthy weight, you are less likely to experience this.

Use moisturizing creams and oils

Moisturizing creams and oils help to keep the skin hydrated, which prevents it from becoming too stretched and prevents the development of stretch marks.

Do a daily belly massage

One way to prevent stretch marks is by doing a daily belly massage. This helps to keep the skin elastic and healthy, which prevents it from becoming stretched and developing stretch marks.

Try a collagen supplement

Collagen supplements may help to prevent stretch marks from forming. The collagen helps to keep the skin healthy and elastic, preventing it from becoming stretched and developing stretch marks.

Limit how long you spend in the sun

The sun’s UV rays can damage the skin, leading to the development of stretch marks. By limiting how much time you spend in the sun, you are less likely to experience this.

Stretch Marks are Common

Stretch marks can be an unsightly problem for many people. It is a very common problem and no one should feel ashamed about it. They can occur from a variety of causes, such as rapid weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and sun exposure. While they may not always disappear completely, there are various ways to prevent them or make them less visible.
Despite the number of natural home treatments available, it is still important to consult with a dermatologist for the best treatment plan. Team Dermatology provides the best dermatology services in Houston.

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TEAM Dermatology advises you of the departure of Dr. Kuda Maloney from our Memorial and Sugar Land locations in November of  2023.  Dr. Maloney will be pursuing interests outside of private practice and we wish her the best in achievement of her future endeavors. Please contact our office to arrange for your care with another provider in our offices.